Tag: Gardening Tips

The Benefits of Gardening Indoors
Posted on 11/22/2020
The Benefits of Gardening Indoors
Image by vistawei from Pixabay Did you know people are generally happier when they have something to nurture and tend to in life? That’s right. Taking care of plants can make you a happier person and improves your sense of well-being, which in and of itself might be motivation enough to start an indoor garden. If you need...
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Best Trees for Xeriscaping
Posted on 10/06/2019
Best Trees for Xeriscaping
Your xeriscape plan now includes ornamental grasses for volume, flowering plants for color through the seasons and succulents for intense greenery, texture and ground-coverage. What about height? And shade! Shade trees are typically not tolerant of drought conditions, but there are a few different options, depending on your climate. So, what trees can you plant in your yard...
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